Man’s conviction for college student’s murder was overturned last year, but he remains behind bars

Man’s conviction for college student’s murder was overturned last year, but he remains behind bars John Giuca got 25 years to life in prison for Mark Fisher’s death. by Enjoli Francis and Chris Kilmer ABC News   During Columbus Day weekend in 2003, John Giuca had an impromptu party on the night of Oct. 11. Mark Fisher, 19, … Read more

The system on trial, too late: John Giuca’s conviction was overturned; how can he go back to prison?

by Harry Siegel NY Daily News   John Giuca’s life took a turn for the worse last year, after an appellate court overturned his murder conviction, ruling that the Brooklyn district attorney’s office, then led by Joe Hynes, had used “knowingly false or mistaken material testimony” to convict Giuca in 2005 for the 2003 murder … Read more

‘Grid Kid’ murder suspect’s lawyer requests DA launch probe into his office

‘Grid Kid’ murder suspect’s lawyer requests DA launch probe into his office by Emily SaulNew York Post A lawyer for the man awaiting retrial for a 2003 murder is personally​​ petitioning the Brooklyn ​district ​a​​​ttorney to launch a probe​ –​ into his own office​.​ In a letter to DA Eric Gonzalez, defense attorney Mark Bederow requests an … Read more

‘Grid Kid’ murder suspect’s lawyers claim prosecutors framed him

‘Grid Kid’ murder suspect’s lawyers claim prosecutors framed him   by Emily Saul New York Post Attorneys for a Brooklyn man facing retrial for the 15-year-old murder of a college football player say they’ve unearthed more evidence that a former prosecutor framed their client. Ex-prosecutor Anna-Sigga Nicolazzi wrote a letter of recommendation for a witness after he … Read more

Man facing retrial in ‘Grid Kid’ killing argues lawyers purposely suppressed evidence

Man facing retrial in ‘Grid Kid’ killing argues lawyers purposely suppressed evidence   by Emily Saul New York Post The man facing retrial ​for the 15-year-old murder of a college football player at a Brooklyn house party is trying to get the case tossed — arguing the ​​prosecutor deliberately suppressed evidence ​that could have cleared him. John … Read more

Judge denies bail for John Giuca despite overturned murder conviction

Judge denies bail for John Giuca despite overturned murder conviction   News 12 Brooklyn   BROOKLYN – A judge denied bail Tuesday for a Brooklyn man whose 2003 murder conviction was overturned on appeal. John Giuca’s relatives and lawyer are continuing to fight for his release. “The case has crumbled,” says his mother, Doreen Giuliano. … Read more

Man convicted in ‘Grid Kid’ slaying finally confesses

Man convicted in ‘Grid Kid’ slaying finally confesses By Gabrielle Fonrouge and Lia EustachewichNew York Post The Brooklyn man convicted of helping to kill Connecticut college football star Mark Fisher has finally confessed to the 2003 slaying, according to a report. The admission by “Grid Kid” killer co-defendant Antonio Russo was made to detectives during … Read more

Star Athlete’s Murderer Confesses. Why Is Someone Else Still Locked Up?

by Hella Winston The Daily Beast In February, after serving almost 13 years in prison, a Brooklyn man named John Giuca had his murder conviction thrown out by an appellate court citing violations by the prosecutor—a former darling of the Brooklyn DA’s Homicide Bureau who now has her own true-crime TV show. The court ordered a retrial but … Read more
