Article Timeline
Here you can learn about the timeline of John Giuca's wrongful conviction (in reverse chronological order). Click on any link to be brought to the relevant article for further reading.
Another Anna-Sigga Nicolazzi Prosecution Begins To Unravel
January 8, 2021
The Giuca Case, and the Prosecutor’s Willful Blindness to the Truth
December 11, 2015
A murder, two moms and a mess
November 25, 2015
Ghetto mobster or innocent man? An NYC murder case falls apart
August 17, 2014
What is a Wilson Pakula Really Worth, Anyway?
August 8, 2009
Vanity Fair: Mother Justice
November 28, 2008
John Giuca: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
May 17, 2019
Man convicted in ‘Grid Kid’ slaying finally confesses
April 3, 2018
The False Conviction of the District Attorney Turned Reality Star
February 10, 2018
Lawyer’s Battle Over Conduct in 2003 Murder Case in Brooklyn
November 23, 2015
The Dumbest Newspapers at the Center of the World
November 19, 2009